Từng biết tìm hiểu Drupal 7 multisite

Từng biết tìm hiểu Drupal 7 multisite

I had a first site called FIRSTSITE.com.
I wanted to add another site called SECONDSITE.com.
I wanted the second site to render as a separate website, and I wanted the two sites to share my Drupal 7 installation.

I couldn’t find a guide for Drupal 7 multisite, so now that I’ve figured it out from a pastiche of advice, I’m documenting it.

This post is not about updating a multisite from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. I am a Drupal noob with Drupal 7. It assumes Lunarpages VPS Hosting but that may not matter.

  1. Install Drupal 7 for FIRSTSITE.com. (I had already done that earlier.)
  2. Create a new MySQL database and user. They will be used for the new site SECONDSITE.com.
  3. Configure SECONDSITE.com to point to the FIRSTSITE.com servers. In my case, I did that with Network Solutions, and I documented it here The change can take a day or two to complete.
  4. Park SECONDSITE.com to FIRSTSITE.com. How to do it in Cpanel is here. I did it in LPCP (a control panel available when you have Lunarpages hosting.)
  5. Create a directory /sites/SECONDSITE.com/ inside your main Drupal folder.
  6. Copy the default.settings.php file (found in drupal/sites/default/) to /sites/SECONDSITE.com/ and rename it to settings.php
  7. Change its permissions to 666 (make it changeable by everyone)
  8. Make a new directory under /drupal/sites/SECONDSITE.com/ and name it “files”, then change permissions of it to 777.
  9. Navigate to http://SECONDSITE.com/install.php, and complete a new installation for SECONDSITE.com with the Mysql details from earlier.

# cp drupal/sites/default/default.settings.php drupal/sites/SECONDSITE.php
# chmod 666 drupal/sites/SECONDSITE.com/settings.php
# mkdir drupal/sites/SECONDSITE.com/files
# chmod 777 drupal/sites/SECONDSITE.com/files

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Ảnh của Khanh Hoang

Khanh Hoang - Kenn

Kenn is a user experience designer and front end developer who enjoys creating beautiful and usable web and mobile experiences.

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