Học tập having trouble updating your Drupal 8 Website

With each release of the latest version of Drupal 8 comes the need to update your current Drupal 8 to the latest version. This process is not as straight forward as it sounds. Since current existing Drupal 8 sites could have been installed initially in 3 different scenarios:

Scenario 1: You have installed your site initially through Composer using the drupal/drupal deprecated package.

Scenario 2: You have installed your site initially from a tar.gz or zip file.

Scenario 3: You have installed your site using git clone from the Drupal.org main repo.


With this initiative I propose adopting the template from "drupal-composer/drupal-project" as the new universal template for all Current Drupal 8 Projects. This new template structure can be seen in the diagram below:
Drupal 8 New Folder Structure

Besides making updating Drupal 8 much easier, this template introduces a new feature where the current environment is saved in the .env file outside the webroot. This is a significant security feature since now your important environment settings can not be publicly accessible.

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