Khanh Hoang - Kenn
Kenn is a user experience designer and front end developer who enjoys creating beautiful and usable web and mobile experiences.
>> Hướng dẫn thêm 1 pseudo field trong Drupal 7
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Tokens are a pretty powerful weapon to have in your arsenal, and they actually come in useful a lot if you remember that they're there.
If you haven't used them before, tokens are essentially text placeholders - they can be static text, variables, field values, whatever you want really.
The Token API is now part of Drupal 7 core and as it turns out, using it to create your own tokens is super easy - you just need a couple of hooks.
The first hook, hook_token_info(), is used to declare any custom tokens.
/** * Implements hook_token_info(). */ function module_name_token_info() { $info = array(); // Define a new token type. $info['types']['my_custom_tokens'] = array( 'name' => t('My custom tokens'), 'description' => t('A token type for my custom tokens.'), ); // Define any new tokens. $info['tokens']['my_custom_tokens']['my_cool_token'] = array( 'name' => t('My cool token'), 'description' => t('A token I use to show that I am cool.'), ); return $info; }
We are creating our own custom token type here too but if you just want to put your token in an already existing type, you can get a list of the existing tokens and types by calling token_get_info().
Now that our new token is good and defined, we just need to give it some content with hook_tokens().
/** * Implements hook_tokens(). */ function module_name_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data = array(), array $options = array()) { $replacements = array(); if ($type == 'my_custom_tokens') { // Loop through the available tokens. foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) { // Find our custom tokens by name. switch ($name) { case 'my_cool_token': // Work out the value of our token. $value = 'Whatever we want the token to be'; // Give our token it's value! $replacements[$original] = $value; break; } } } return $replacements; }
That's it! Our token should now be available and appear in the list of tokens wherever tokens are available.