Monthly Drupal administration

Protect your Drupal investments with the Agileware Drupal Administration Monthly Drupal administrationsubscription service.  Ensuring that your Drupal websites are well maintained, monitored and kept up to date. And when you have questions or things go wrong, then EM Solutions Support is also included to work through these issues as they arise.

Got a dedicated or VPS hosting your Drupal website? Did you know that we can also monitor, manage and secure the Linux OS as well. 

The EM Solutions Drupal Administration service includes:

  • adding your Web server to the Agileware remote monitoring and alerts system.
  • reviewing your existing backup system, adding watches to monitor its regular execution.
  • implementing regular Drupal core and module updates.
  • applying Linux operating system maintenance and security updates. Major Linux operating system upgrades are not included.
  • implementing recommended security measures including Firewall rules, responsive security measures and alerts.
  • liaison with hosting service provider for data centre issues. Technical support interaction / communication, support tickets, control panel management etc.
  • advise on DNS management issues for hosted domains.
  • 8 hour Service Level Agreement during Business Hours.
  • includes 2 hours of Business Hours Support per month for additional support requests.

Business Hours Support is available during Business Hours only which is defined as being Viet Nam Standard Time, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays and days where EM Solutions is closed.

Business Hours Support can be used to:

  • respond to user and Drupal administration questions
  • perform Drupal system configuration changes
  • investigate Drupal bugs and errors
  • trouble-shoot other problems with your Drupal website or web server

Additional Business Hours Support can be purchased at anytime or post-paid.





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Quảng Cáo Bài Viết

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This means that if you have a 5-year-old Drupal 6 site, you will find major value in upgrading directly to Drupal 8. Many other benefits can justify the cost, including an easier to administer, responsive site.

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