Samsung to block iPhone 4S sale in France and Italy

Samsung to block iPhone 4S sale in France and Italy

By now I assume you are getting as tired as we are hearing about the ongoing legal battles between Apple and Samsung. It was only yesterday that the iPhone 4s was officially announced and today Samsung already confirms that they will file two preliminary injunctions requests in Paris and Milan.

Samsung to block iPhone 4S sale in France and Italy

Samsung aims to ban iPhone 4s sales in France and Italy claiming that Apple’s new device infringes upon two patents related to WCDMA standards for 3G devices. Don’t think for a minute that Samsung will stop there, the manufacturer claims that they plan to pursue similar actions in other countries, as well. Samsung released a statement saying, “Apple has continued to flagrantly violate our intellectual property rights and free ride on our technology”, and continues with, “We believe it is now necessary to take legal action to protect our innovation”. No word yet from Apple about the proposed preliminary injunctions, but you can be sure that they wont take this lightly. The battle has just begun over which countries will be allowed to sell the iPhone 4s.

Do you think Samsung has the right to ban the sale of Apple’s new device?

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Tommy owner Express Magazine

Drupal Developer having 9+ year experience, implementation and having strong knowledge of technical specifications, workflow development. Ability to perform effectively and efficiently in team and individually. Always enthusiastic and interseted to study new technologies

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