VCT tính P = An * Xn + An-1 * Xn-1 + ... + A1 * X + A0

VCT tính P = An * Xn + An-1 * Xn-1 + ... + A1 * X + A0

VCT tính P = An * Xn + An-1 * Xn-1 + ... + A1 * X + A0

Đáp án

program luythua;

Uses Crt;
Type Mang = ARRAY[1..50] Of Integer;
Var A:Mang;
 N,i, j,x, k, Sum:Integer;

function luythua(x,n: integer) : longint;

var i: integer; T:longint;



    for i:= 1 to n do T:=T*x;

    luythua :=T;

    {Nhap mang}
    Write('Nhap N='); Readln(N);
    For i:=1 To N Do
            Write('A[',i,']='); Readln(A[i]);
    {Nhap X}
    write ('Nhap x='); readln (x);    

    {tong day so}    
    Sum:= 0;
    For k:=N + 1 downto i Do
        Sum := Sum + (A[k] * luythua(x, k));
    {In kết quả ra màn hình}
    Writeln('Tong cua day so: ', Sum);


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Ảnh của Tommy Tran

Tommy owner Express Magazine

Drupal Developer having 9+ year experience, implementation and having strong knowledge of technical specifications, workflow development. Ability to perform effectively and efficiently in team and individually. Always enthusiastic and interseted to study new technologies

  • Skype ID: tthanhthuy

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