Khanh Hoang - Kenn
Kenn is a user experience designer and front end developer who enjoys creating beautiful and usable web and mobile experiences.
>>Number 1: Architecture: 5 lỗi cần tránh trong Drupal Website
>>Number 2: Security 5 lỗi cần tránh trong Drupal Website
>>Number 3: Performance - 5 lổi cần tránh trong Drupal Website
>>Number 4: Infrastructure - 5 lỗi cần tránh trong Drupal
>>Number 5: Maintenance - 5 lỗi cần tránh trong Drupal
In previous articles in this series, we’ve covered the areas of architecture, security and performance. All of these aspects are affected by your infrastructure from the time of development to deployment.
Infrastructure covers the stack your website lives on, including the server, the database and any software layers, such as Varnish or Memcached which ensure your visitors have a snappy experience. For example, planning the infrastructure from the start and developing on the same environment can greatly reduce variables and risk at launch time. Having a reliable multiple environment configuration and a solid disaster recovery plan shouldn't be left to last-minute decisions. When it is, mistakes start arising. Here's a few tips to avoid the most common errors.
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