6 Câu hỏi ôn thi và đáp án PRODUCT OWNER - SCRUM FOUNDATIONS

1. The following is amongst the Agile manifesto principles:

a) Teams to maintain a sustainable pace.

b) Business teams and developer teams work together regularly.

c) Deliver working products early and frequently

>> d) All of the above.

2. Scrum Framework is built on:

>> a) Empiricism

b) Optimism

c) Trust

d) Visual thinking

3. The following connects teams and users in Scrum:

a) Scrum Master

>> b) Product Owner

c) Project Manager

d) Any of the above

4. The following Scrum Event helps to inspect and adapt, and act upon feedback:

 Daily Scrum

 Sprint Review

 Sprint Retrospective

 All of the above.

5. There are 3 artifacts in Scrum. Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and _____.

>> a) Increment.

b) Release Plan.

c) Product.

d) Definition of Done.

6. The following is an agreement amongst the Scrum Team. Serves as a checklist before showcasing in a Sprint Review.

a) Acceptance Criteria

b) User Stories

>> c) Definition of Done.

d) All of the above

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