25 Câu hỏi ôn thi và đáp án Agile & Scrum Series 2

1) Which artifacts of the following are associated with Scrum?

>> a) Product backlog

b) Product specification

c) Effort chart

d) Team backlog


Product Backlog is one of the Scrum artifacts. It is an evolving ordered list of requirements maintained by the Product Owner.

2) A major theme in Scrum is "inspect and adapt." What does it mean?

a) Scrum insists on auditors who frequently inspect the work of the team and suggest ways to adapt the process in order to improve quality

b) Scrum recommends that upper management inspect the Burn down charts and notes from the daily scrums to find ways in which the team should adapt their practices to be more productive.

>> c) Scrum emphasizes taking a short step of development, inspecting both the resulting product and the efficacy of current practices, and then adapting the product goals and process practices

d) Inspect and adapt refers to the Scrum Master’s role in inspecting the work and writing stories designed to help the team produce higher quality software


Inspect and Adapt is part of the Continuous Improvement journey. A scrum team executes a sprint and then inspects the outcome and processes applied during the sprint. Then the team adapts themselves for a better future.

3) What is mainly defined by the Scrum Framework? A) Accountabilities B) Document guidelines C) Artifacts and events

a) A

b) B

c) B, C

>> d) A, C


The Scrum framework comprises of accountabilities, artifacts and, events

4) A Scrum Framework .....

>> a) Encourages the team to meet regularly

b) Has no meetings

c) Has lengthy reporting requirements

d) Has no reporting requirements


In Scrum the team members meet regularly (eg: daily scrum meeting, etc.) to review the sprint progress and raise impediments, if any.

5) Which of the following is NOT a product owner's responsibility?

a) Ordering the product backlog

b) Keeping the product backlog up to date

c) Communicating the Product Goal

>>d) Assigning tasks to team members during the sprint


Product Owner never allocates tasks to scrum team members. Rather the team self manages to allocate work between them.

6) The recommended approach to design in a Scrum project is:

a) No design is done by the Scrum Team

b) All design is done before implementation starts

>> c) Design is done by the Scrum Team

d) Design is done by another team than the team that implements the design


According to the Agile Manifesto the best designs emerge from self managing teams.

7) What are the disadvantages of the classical waterfall model? (Select the best alternative) A) End-Product has to be fully anticipated beforehand. B) Some requirements are implemented as defined in the beginning of the project, and yet they are not really needed by the customer C) Each phase is strictly separated

a) A

b) B

c) B,C

>> d) A,B,C


All the three aspects mentioned here are disadvantages of classical waterfall model.

8) When estimating is done for development work, the Developers should:

>> a) Be fully involved in the estimating process

b) nsure that the estimate is always given by the most senior Developer

c) Not make estimates unless velocity is already known

d) Be consulted after the Scrum Master has made the estimates for the team's work


During estimation all Developers of the team must participate and provide their inputs, because they are the ones who decide HOW to convert a set of product backlog items into a product release.

9) What is the primary purpose of the sprint review?

>> a) To review the results of the completed work and look for opportunities to improve the product

b) To demo the system for upper management

c) To prove that the team worked hard during the sprint

d) To find out who failed to complete his or her tasks


Sprint Review meeting happens so that feedback can be gathered from appropriate stakeholders to improve the product.

10) Where are the customer requirements stored?

>> a) In the Product Backlog

b) In the Sprint Backlog

c) In a database

d) In a Scrum Product Requirement Specification


Product Backlog is the ordered list of requirements based on the business value of each requirement.

11) Which of the following is a best description for the Scrum meaning of time box?

a) There is a recommended amount of time for the event

>> b) There is a predefined time limit for the event

c) The event must take place by certain date

d) There is not enough time to complete the event


The duration of time-box is agreed and not changed frequently during the course of an Agile project.

12) How does a Scrum Team knows when a backlog item is done?

a) The ScrumMaster says it is done.

b) The sprint is over

c) The testers says it is done

>> d) It meets the Scrum Team's definition of Done


Definition of Done (DoD) is a list of items/activities which is agreed by the Scrum Team. A Product Backlog item can be marked as done only after meeting all the requirements mentioned in DoD.

13) A Scrum approach advocates which of the following approaches?

a) Get something simple released as quickly as possible

>> b) Get something business-valuable delivered as quickly as possible, consistent with the right level of quality

c) Get something delivered once it has been fully documented and the documentation has been signed off as complete

d) Get something "quick and dirty" delivered, to save time


Scrum insists on delivering a valuable product increment at the end of every sprint.

14) An effective workshop facilitator will always ...

a) Involve the whole project team in all project workshops

>> b) Agree upon the process and participants of the workshop with the workshop owner before the workshop

c) Involve only those team members who will commit to doing further work after the workshop

d) Act as a proxy for any invited participant who is unable to attend the workshop on that day


Not everyone is required for every project workshop. Hence a good facilitator discusses with the workshop owner about the approach and list of participants prior to the workshop.

15) How should work be allocated to the team in an Agile project?

a) The Team Leader (Scrum Master) should allocate specific tasks to individuals

b) Tasks should be randomly allocated to team members, using Planning Poker

>> c) Team members should self-select tasks appropriate to their skills

d) The most complex tasks should be allocated by the Team Leader (Scrum Master)


Tasks in a sprint are self-picked by scrum team members. This helps the teams to self-manage.

16) Which one of the following is a key feature that you would expect to find in an Agile project?

a) System documentation created at the end of each increment, at the start of the deployment

b) User Stories held in a spreadsheet or specialist database, where full details of user conversations are recorded for future purposes, like handover to maintenance or support

>> c) User Story cards containing only enough detail for planning and development, which will need to be supplemented by further face-to-face conversations

d) No written documentation, as all good communication is face-to-face


The purpose of user story cards is to capture just enough details about the requirement and it's acceptance criteria. Rest of the details are clarified through face-to-face conversations.

17) A Scrum Master ....

a) Should allocate tasks to the team members each day at the stand-up meeting

>> b) Should involve the team in their own work-allocation

c) Should give detailed work-plans to the team each day

d) Should direct the work of the team, if they are inexperienced


A Scrum Master ensures that the scrum team members self-manage to allocate work between them.

18) The end result of a Sprint is:

a) A product of almost as good a quality as a Waterfall development

>> b) A product of a professional quality which fits the business need

c) A product which is barely sufficient for its purpose and deliberately not maintainable

d) A increment that is at least 80% Done according to the Definition of Done.


Business needs drive the requirements and their acceptance criteria. Hence the product features must adhere to the acceptance criteria set by the business (Product Owner).

19) Who is responsible for ordering the product backlog?

>> a) Product Owner

b) Project Manager

c) Lead Developer

d) Business Analyst


Product Owner is responsible for ordering the requirements items in Product Backlog. He/She is accountable for the Return on Investment (RoI).

20) Which one of the following statements about meetings is true for Agile projects?

a) All project stakeholders should attend requirements meetings

b) Retrospectives are only run at the end of a project

>> c) An independent facilitator will manage the structure of a facilitated meetings but not input to the content

d) It is best if the Project Manager facilitates the project's meetings


An independent facilitator best facilitates a meeting or a workshop by not providing any inputs to the discussion. He/She manages the flow of the meeting or workshop.

21) What are the advantages of maintaining consistent Sprint length throughout a project?

a) It helps to establish a consistent pattern of delivery

b) It helps the team to objectively measure progress

c) It provide a consistent means of measuring team velocity

>> d) All of the above


All the above mentioned reasons justify the practice of maintaining the same sprint length through out a project.

22) Which one of the following statements is correct regarding acceptance of any deliverables on a Scrum product development effort?

a) The team should allow only senior managers to sign off deliverables

>> b) It works best if the team gets acceptance of deliverables from the appropriate stakeholders a during or at the end of every Sprint

c) The team should get acceptance of project deliverables from the users during a UAT phase at the end of the project

d) Acceptance of any particular deliverable on the project is gained from all stakeholders at the same time


he acceptance of sprint deliverables can best be performed by appropriate stakeholders as and when a particular product backlog item gets completed OR at least at the end of each sprint.

23) What is meant by Team Velocity in Scrum projects?

a) Teams works less when it rains

>> b) Keeping metrics of earlier amounts of work completed to help with future predictions on how much work can be completed in a certain timeframe

c) Retrospectives should include less important topics, such as the weather, as ice-breakers

d) Estimating team efforts for completing the project


Team velocity is a metric which measures the amount of work completed by a scrum team during a sprint (normally in terms of story points). The historical data of a team's velocity helps in planning the number of future sprints required to deliver a release of the product.

24) Which of the following should is a Scrum Master expected to do?

a) Help the Product Owner to manage the Product Backlog

b) Help to Developers to meet the Definition of Done

c) Remove barriers between stakeholders and the Scrum Team

>> d) All of the above


The Product Owner serves the Scrum Team, its Product Owner and the organization.

25) Which one of the following statements is correct regarding quality of deliverables from a Scrum Team?

a) The products produced by a scrum project should be cheaper than those produced by any other approach, but quality will suffer

d) The products will be more expensive than by any other approach but will be top quality

c) The products will be fit for the purpose, but may not do what the customer wanted

>> d) The products will be of appropriate quality, as the Developers ensure that the quality as defined in the Definition of Done of the team is strictly adhered to.


The quality of Agile project deliverables is defined by the Scrum Team in the Definition of Done and Developers are accountable to strictly adhere to it

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