Hướng dẫn sử dụng Features module với Drush trong Drupal 7

Hướng dẫn sử dụng Features module với Drush trong Drupal 7

The Features module is a vital tool in the Drupal developers and site builders arsenal. It is used to export configuration that is held in the database to a Drupal module, making it easier to version control, deploy and use on other sites. Like the rest of Drupal, you can do everything in the UI but this can be time consuming. Fortunately Features comes with a set of handy Drush commands which should save you valuable time. Let’s go through them one at a time.

Feature update

To update a specific feature, use the feature-update command with the name of the feature you want to update. The alias for feature-update is fu.

$ drush fu [feature_name]

To update more than one feature with the same command, add multiple feature names and separate each with space between each name.

$ drush fu [feature_name] [feature_name]

An Example of using feature update

A typical example of using feature update is when you are working on an existing feature. You make a configuration change (e.g. change a setting in a content type). The feature will then be overridden, so you need to update the feature to include the configuration change that you have made.

Update all Features

It may be easier to update all features at the same time. You can do this with the feature-update-all command. The alias is fua. To update all features at the same time:

$ drush fua

You can exclude some features by passing in their name as an argument.

$ drush fua [feature_name]

Feature Revert

You can revert a feature in Drush using the feature-revert command with the name of the feature you want to revert. The alias is fr.

$ drush fr [feature_name]

Example of using Feature Revert

You might want to revert a feature if you have made a configuration change that want to undo. For example, you change a setting on a content type but you no longer want that change. As long as the feature has not been updated, or re-exported, yet, you can revert it. This will revert everything in that feature back to the version that exists in code.

Revert all Features

It may be easier to revert all features at the same time. You can do this with the feature-revert-all command. The alias is fra. To revert all features using Drush:

$ drush fra

You can exclude some features by passing in their name as an argument.

$ drush fra [feature_name]

List all Features

You can list all of the features installed on your site with the features-list command. The alias is fl. To list all the features installed on your site using Drush:

$ drush fl

Filter by Status

You can filter the list by using the status option. There are three possible options: enabled, disabled and all. For example, to list all enabled modules:

$ drush fl --status=enabled

Export a Feature

You can export a feature and add new components to it with the features-export command. The alias is fe.

$ drush features-export [feature_name] [component1_name] [component2_name] [component3_name]

In order to identify which components to add to a feature, you can use the features-components command. The alias for features-components is fc.

$ drush fc

You will be presented with a list of components. Select one of the components to see which sources are available. You can use those sources in the features-export command. You can optionally retrieve a list of components that have not yet been exported using the --not-exported option:

$ drush fc --not-exported

An example

You want to export a feature called article and include the article content type and tags taxonomy.
Run drush fc and select node. This will return available content types. Article is called node:article.
Run drush fc again and select taxonomy. This will return available taxonomy terms. Tags is called taxonomy:tags.
To export the feature, run the following command:

$ drush fe article node:article taxonomy:tags

You can set the destination directory for the exported feature using the destination option. For example, to repeat the above feature export and set a destination of sites/all/modules/features, use the following command:

$ drush fe article node:article taxonomy:tags --destination=sites/all/modules/features

Features Diff

If a feature is overridden, the features-diff command will show the difference between the overridden state and the default state. The alias for features-diff is fd.

$ drush fd [feature_name]

Summary of Drush commands for Features

Command Alias Arguments/Options
feature-update fu Arguments:
feature : A space delimited list of features
--version-set : Specify a version number for the feature.
--version-increment : Increment the feature's version number.
feature-update-all fua Arguments:
feature_exclude : A space-delimited list of features to exclude from being updated.
feature-revert fr Arguments:
feature : A space delimited list of features or feature.component pairs
--force : Force revert even if Features assumes components' state are default
feature-revert-all fra Arguments:
feature_exclude : A space-delimited list of features to exclude from being reverted
--force : Force revert even if Features assumes components' state are default
features-list fl Options:--status : Feature status, can be 'enabled', 'disabled' or 'all'
features-export fe Arguments:
feature : Feature name to export
components : Patterns of components to include, see features-components for the format of patterns
--destination : Destination path (from Drupal root) of the exported feature. Defaults to 'sites/all/modules'.
--version-set : Specify a version number for the feature.
--version-increment : Increment the feature's version number
features-components fc Arguments:
patterns : The features components type to list. Omit this argument to list all components
--exported : Show only components that have been exported
--not-exported : Show only components that have not been exported
features-diff fd Arguments:
feature : The feature in question
--ctypes : Comma separated list of component types to limit the output to. Defaults to all types
--lines : Generate diffs with lines of context instead of the usual two

via BeFused

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Ảnh của Khanh Hoang

Khanh Hoang - Kenn

Kenn is a user experience designer and front end developer who enjoys creating beautiful and usable web and mobile experiences.

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