Trong bài này chúng ta sẽ làm quen khái niệm DTDs như khai báo DOCTYPE, khai báo Element và cách tạo DTDs trong file XML, validation XML bằng DTDs…
Trước khi XML ra đời đã có nhiều kiểu định dạng văn bản điện tử như GML (Generalized Markup Language) của IBM, SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) của ANSI vào năm 1980 và HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
One of the greatest things ever to happen to MySQL was the InnoDB engine. Before InnoDB, indexes would get corrupted, updates meant table locks, not just row locks, and we had no support for transactions.
You will notice that it is not enabled yet. You can enable it by ticking the box and saving. Because this is actually a module, you can enable it on from the modules page (admin/modules) as well.
Like most development shops, we like code. It gives us and our clients a feeling of confidence to have configuration and logic as much as possible living in code, rather than in the database.
I had a task. It seemed simple enough. It involved a link field with a title and a url (created by the Link module) and a single on/off checkbox field. The checkbox was a toggle for whether the link should open in a new browser tab/window.
When I am theming a Drupal site, I need to know which variables are available on a template file. In Drupal 8, the template engine is Twig, so we’re going to need to know a little bit of Twig to make this work.
This blog post takes a look at how a module developer might create custom blocks in Drupal 8. This is my first attempt at working through all of this so if you've got thoughts on better ways to do this please leave a comment.