Chat with Facebook friends through Go! Chat app for Androids

Chat with Facebook friends through Go! Chat app for Androids

Now that you got yourself an Android phone and you absolutely love it, you should go a head and make use of all the great apps that come with it. You can now Chat with Facebook friends through Go! Chat app for Androids. The Go! Chat simply makes Facebook easy to use and fun at the same time. With time, phone calls and Emails have become less popular as people chose to use Facebook and Texting instead. This is more so as phones have become more like desktops, offering you practically everything you would find on your computer if not more.

 Chat with Facebook friends through Go! Chat app for Androids

This app makes Facebook more or less instant and accessible to Android users. It comes with a userface that looks great and feels as though it was particularly built for Android. The app comes with added features, more than the Facebook chat it offers. The app may consume a lot of power and make you charge your phone every so often but it is worth it as it runs and works perfectly. There are numerous features that will make your chat experience awesome. In my opinion, it is the greatest Facebook chat app that you could have on your phone.

The great thing about this app is that it shows you an overview of all your friends in the chat allowing you to chat with many friends at the same time. You will be able to chat through Facebook, share photos and videos with friends, you can also leave them voice messages and much more. When you open the app, you get a simple interface that asks you to sign into Facebook. Once you are secularly logged in, the app loads all your friends that are online whose names will be marked in green. If you want your login info to be remember then you can say yes so that you do not keep logging in every single time you want to access your account.

via app4mobile

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Ảnh của Khanh Hoang

Khanh Hoang - Kenn

Kenn is a user experience designer and front end developer who enjoys creating beautiful and usable web and mobile experiences.

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