Elastic File System

EFS - Elastic File System

  • EFS is a managed NFS (network file system) that can be mounted on many EC2 instances
  • EFS works with EC2 instances across multi AZs
  • EFS is highly available, scalable, but also more expensive (3x GP2) than EBS
  • EFS is pay per use
  • Use cases: content management, web service, data sharing, Wordpress
  • Uses NFSv4.1 protocol
  • We can use security groups to control access to EFS volumes
  • EFS is only compatible with Linux based AMIs (not Windows)

EFS Performance and Storage Classes

  • EFS Scale
    • Thousands of concurrent NFS clients, 10 GB+ per second throughput
    • It can grow to petabyte scale NFS automatically
  • Performance mode (can be set at EFS creation time)
    • General purpose (default): recommended for latency-sensitive use cases: web server, CMS, etc.
    • Max I/O - higher latency, throughput, highly parallel, recommended for big data, media processing
  • Storage tiers: lifecycle manage feature
    • Standard: for frequently accessed files
    • Infrequent access (EFS-IA): there is a cost to retrieve files, lower price per storage


  • EBS volumes
    • Can be attached to only one instance at a time
    • Are locked at the AZ level
    • GP2: IO increases if the disk size increases
    • IO1: can increase IO independently
    • To migrate an EBS across AZ:
      • Take a snapshot
      • Restore the volume from the snapshot
    • Root EBS volumes get terminated by default in the EC2 instance is terminated (this feature can be disabled)
  • EFS
    • Can be mounted to multiple instances across AZs via EFS mount targets
    • Available only for Linux instances
    • EFS has a higher price point than EBS
    • EFS is pay per second, we can leverage EFS-IA for cost saving