Drupal front-end development

10 Jun
Giải pháp theme_hook_suggestions và custom view modes cho templates trong Drupal 7

Giải pháp theme hook suggestions và custom view modes cho templates trong Drupal 7

 Entity view modes is a lighter-weight approach to supplying additional view modes, but I found that even it was cumbersome when it came to managing my view mode configuration in an easily-deployable way.

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07 Jun
[May 15, 2014] Việc làm Drupal cho Web Developers

[May 15, 2014] Việc làm Drupal cho Web Developers

We are Midwest-based near the University of Notre Dame, two hours from Chicago, in beautiful Mishawaka, Indiana. Our cost of living is low. Our drives are short.

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19 Feb

Hướng dẫn code entity reference trong custom entities (no bundles)

Entities are a big boon to Drupal, just that the learning curve is a bit longer than CCKs and nodes. I've read a lot about how these entities work but the more I read, the more complex they sound.

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14 Feb
Cài đặt vitual box cho Web Development ( Virtual Machines )

Cài đặt vitual box cho Web Development ( Virtual Machines )

I develop locally on a virtual server before deploying to a production environment. It's an efficient and flexible workflow and I wanted to share the setup process. This will walk through getting a simple LAMP stack up and running.

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11 Feb
Làm gì để consulting project Drupal 7 thành công

Làm gì để consulting project Drupal 7 thành công

Soon after I started working at Lullabot, I got my first client, and like all clients this one had a problem. They were a university whose site was running on Drupal

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11 Feb
3 điều quan trọng để Go live cho Drupal Emmy’s website

3 điều quan trọng để Go live cho Drupal Emmy’s website

When preparing for a big event, it is our job to make sure the general public sees exactly what is expected, and with the help of Amazon Web Service (AWS) we did! All planning comes with a few standard issue assessments/steps: Identify need, identify options, and begin to build!

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10 Feb

David Baker chia sẻ 11 suy nghĩ cần thiết cho Drupal team

There was an article by David Baker that caught my attention. David is a long-time consultant for the web agency marketplace who offers blunt

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06 Feb
Joomla Seo không tốt bằng Drupal 7

Joomla Seo không tốt bằng Drupal 7

Trong số các hệ quản trị nội dung (CMS) phổ biến hiện nay, nổi bật lên hai ứng viên sáng giá nhất là Joomla! và Drupal. Hai hệ quản trị nội dung này thay nhau làm mưa làm gió trong các cuộc thi. Đặc biệt ở cuộc bình chọn uy tín nhất của Packt Publishing, Joomla! và Drupal luôn chiếm giữ hai vị trí đầu bảng.

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28 Jan
Tính năng của E-Business Platform từ Basel Tourism

Tính năng của E-Business Platform từ Basel Tourism

Basel in Switzerland is one of the leading tourism destinations, known for its art and culture. Major events like "Art Basel" and "Basel World" attracts many visitors from around the world. In addition to business and congress tourism, Basel Tourism

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24 Dec
Step 5: Evaluating applicants of team Drupal

Bước 5: Evaluating applicants of team Drupal

In the earlier steps in this series, we have itemized the kinds of skills as they relate to roles, and ways you can define your requirements.

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24 Dec
Bước 4: Posting Jobs of team Drupal

Bước 4: Posting Jobs of team Drupal

You might already be thinking of the obvious places to post your job, on job search networks, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, and so forth. However, the Drupal community provides some opportunities as well. There is a great guide on Drupal.org on about where you can advertise your jobs. 

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24 Dec
Bước 3: Widening Your Net of team Drupal

Bước 3: Widening Your Net of team Drupal

Eric Gaffen, Global Manager, Talent Acquisition at Acquia, is constantly getting requests for new hires from the leadership at Acquia. His previous company grew from 1600 to 3000 in six years, and from that experience, Eric knows larger companies have a very standardized approach to job descriptions which match compensation and evaluation. Things are quite different here. 

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24 Dec
Bước 2: Define your requirements

Bước 2: Define your requirements of team Drupal

Researching your requirements is a key step in discovering your next team member. People can’t be experts in everything. Be realistic about the actual expertise and levels you expect.

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24 Dec
Bước 1: Understanding typical teams, roles and skills

Bước 1: Understanding typical teams, roles and skills of team Drupal

In order to successfully create a great digital experience with Drupal, you need a great Drupal team. Building a great team requires some thoughtful planning and possibly widening your net a bit. In this blog series, we'll be looking at the 5 Steps to Build a Great Drupal Team.

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14 Jun
Buổi Global training days tại Đại học Bách Khoa - 14/06/2013

Buổi Global training days tại Đại học Bách Khoa - 14/06/2013

Lịch sử Drupal. Dẫn dắt chương trình cho buổi Global Training Days bởi Nguyển Tiến Sĩ và Lê Thanh Sang.

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